VoIP Phone System for Small Business: Benefits, Types, Considerations

VoIP Phone System for Small Business: Benefits, Types, Considerations

There are several reasons why many businesses have switched to VoIP. Besides the fact that it costs less than traditional phone setups, it also offers more flexibility. As a business, you would want to have the ability to streamline your communication processes.

On top of that, setting up a VoIP phone system for a small business offers numerous advantages.

Read on to find out what these benefits are.

voip phone system for small business types

1. Easy setup

Unlike traditional phone lines, it is relatively easy for a small business to switch from PTSN lines and PBX to VoIP. The same goes for its initial configuration and maintenance. Once set, you can seamlessly manage what used to be complex tasks, such as call routing and voicemail settings, through a user-friendly dashboard or web portal.

2. Flexible

Another benefit of small business VoIP is increased flexibility. Users can easily integrate their telecommunications with existing software for file sharing and remote conferencing. This VoIP feature offers a considerable advantage for staff who travel frequently and those needing to make long-distance calls.

3. Cost savings

Traditional phone systems can be costly, unlike VoIP for small businesses, which is relatively cheaper. Voicemails or video calls done through a VoIP system don’t incur additional fees. Also, your staff won’t be charged for making or receiving calls across departments. You can also save on operating expenses as VoIP leverages your existing internet infrastructure to establish communication. There is no need to set up an additional phone line for each office division.

4. Scalable and up-to-date

If you’re starting your business, a VoIP service provider can be your reliable partner to ensure your communications system is up to date. Since you don’t need to pay additional expenses, a VoIP system can be easily scalable when adding new staff members or reassigning and removing phone lines. You can quickly scale your business communication systems to meet your growing business demands.

5. Competitive advantage

Managing internal and external communications can be initially overwhelming. Still, with VoIP systems, small businesses can gain a competitive advantage by making use of advanced features such as call routing, call recording, and auto-attendants. As you leverage these features to improve how you handle calls, you can also achieve increased efficiency by catering to customer needs more effectively.

VoIP Phone System for Small Business: Benefits, Types, Considerations

Types of VoIP Phone Systems Suitable for Small Businesses

There are many different types of VoIP technology. Depending on your business needs, these VoIP phone systems allow you to transfer calls over the Internet or existing phone lines.

Hosted VoIP

Hosted VoIP systems require an Internet connection instead of physical wires. These cloud-based communication systems allow users to place calls anywhere over a WiFi connection. Since it relies on the Internet, hosted VoIP systems are suitable for employees working in multiple and remote locations.

Premise-based VoIP

Similarly, premise-based VoIP uses the Internet to transmit data. However, it doesn’t rely on cloud services or Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs) to make or receive calls. An example of premier-based VoIP is Skype, which uses H.323 protocol.

Hybrid VoIP systems

A hybrid VoIP system is designed with analog and digital components so it can function without phone lines. It’s more flexible than hosted and premier-based VoIP but can be more expensive. Hybrid VoIP suits organizations planning to switch from traditional landline telephones to Voice over IP.

VoIP Phone System for Small Business: Benefits, Types, Considerations

Considerations for Choosing the Right VoIP Phone System

Thinking of upgrading to VoIP? Here’s what you need to consider before transitioning:

Business communication needs

When choosing the best VoIP for small businesses, determine which option suits you best. Start by identifying your call volume and the kinds of calls you need to place or accept. If you have a physical office, an on-premise VoIP would be good to install in your computer room. In a hosted system, calls are connected offsite through the Internet. However, if you want the best of both worlds, opt for hybrid VoIP, where a hosted system runs on a premise server.

Overall costs

VoIP providers usually let you decide between monthly or annual plans. The overall fees include the cost of installation setup, customer support, price per user, plan upgrades, and additional expenses such as VoIP hardware (desktops or VoIP phones). If you have some money to invest but don’t want an outright purchase, hybrid systems can benefit you.

Available features

Depending on your business needs, consider a VoIP service provider that offers features suitable for your communication demands. If you’re in healthcare, you need to be compliant with HIPAA, so choose one that supports HIPAA compliance. Other VoIP features worth considering include call forwarding, auto attendant, analytics, video conferencing, and third-party fax, email, and cloud storage integrations.

Security measures

Hackers can easily intercept VoIP calls if your system doesn’t have strong security measures in place. Make sure your service provider provides high-level encryption and robust access controls. Your VoIP should also have a backup data center that can quickly take over in case of a security breach or a power outage.

Customer support

Make sure you choose a provider that offers excellent customer service. The best small business VoIP solutions should provide live chat with minimal on-hold time in case something goes wrong. Issues that may arise in the business communication system must be fixed immediately to avoid delays or disruptions in operations.

Setting Up a VoIP Phone System for a Small Business

Now that you’ve identified the features you need for your VoIP, your next step would be to choose a provider that can offer these features at a price point that fits your budget. Once you have sorted that out, your next step should be to ensure that your Internet connection’s bandwidth is sufficient to support your VoIP system’s requirements for crystal clear and uninterrupted calls.

Lastly, make test calls and ensure you have robust security measures in place. After all, you cannot risk having your calls intercepted and snooped upon by malicious third parties.

Kent CaƱas

Kent is a content strategist currently specializing in HIPAA-compliant online fax. Her expertise in this field allows her to provide valuable insights to clients seeking a secure and efficient online fax solution.

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