Cloud Faxing: A Way Forward To Prevent Data Breach & Identity Theft

Cloud Faxing: A Way Forward To Prevent Data Breach & Identity Theft

Data Breach & Identity Theft” has been the talk of the town and so far have kept the news channel services busy criticizing companies like ‘Equifax’, ‘Yahoo’ and many more

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A market research survey unfolded that more than 75% of the netizens agreed to a point to put a stop on using services/products/retailers if found that their privacy was violated.

What Happens When Data Breaches?

We all are aware of the Equifax data breach incident that occurred and cost millions of their customer’s personal information. Hackers gained access to Social Security numbers, birthdates and other such private & confidential information including driver’s license & credit card numbers in few of the cases. Similarly, even Yahoo, a prominent website service provider’s security door was breached for a whopping more than a billion customer’s personal information.

Because of the absence of specific reporting regulations of such cybercrime in the financial industry, companies whose data has been breached have to provide details of the breach in a timely manner to investors, stakeholders and to the concerned customers whose data and information was compromised.

For example, the Securities Exchange Commision (SEC) issued guidelines in accordance with a timeline wherein publicly traded companies have to report a breach, although did not provide a specific deadline for the public disclosure.

How Cloud Faxing Can Prevent Data Breach

data breach can have substantial consequences to revenues, customers, reputation while also enduring a heavy cost to remedy the situation in every way starting from repairing system damage, increased cybersecurity protection, necessary changes in technologies or any litigation and reputational damage.

Cloud Faxing:

Cloud faxing allows one to have safe and secured document transfer. Well, cloud faxing if not completely eliminate but can definitely provide moderate protection against certain data security threats. Cloud faxing provides a one-stop solution for all the needs of securely transfer, retrieve and store sensitive data online. It is also easier to integrate it into your current network infrastructure & workflow applications without upgrading any hardware or software.

Since cloud faxing meets current data security and privacy standards, it’s safe to send and receive sensitive data from any smart device while maintaining the compliance with existing data security & privacy standards.

Do your business need a Cloud-based fax solution?

Check these…

1) Could your company stand against a regulatory compliance audit by the government?

2) Could your company handle financial need if levied with big fines coming from such audit?

3) How skilled is your team if put against legal cases, which normally gets drag on for years?

If your answers are no then it is time for your company to opt for a Cloud-based fax solution.

How Is Cloud Faxing Different?

Unlike, fax servers which are expensive to maintain and incurring from time-to-time repairing & maintenance cost associated with the traditional faxing; cloud faxing requires no routine maintenance or repair work. Moreover, Cloud faxing enhances security and helps maintain compliance with current data security and privacy standards.

There are many productivity benefits of cloud faxing as well. Companies can take huge advantage of cloud faxing for more protected, reliable and secure data for fighting security breach and data theft. Cloud faxing makes it way more comfortable and secure to transmit documents between customers, sellers, vendors or even business partners. Cloud faxing also makes it easier to send and receive purchase orders, invoices, receipts, consolidated reports and insights and other sensitive data from desktop or smartphone, even while you are on the go.

How Cloud Faxing Works?

Cloud faxing works in a very simple way wherein, you have to attach the document and send the fax in a similar way just as you would send a regular email. Inbound faxes are delivered as PDF attachments to the same email inbox, while the entire process is sorted out within the inbox.

Since, cloud faxing goes hand to hand ensuring regulatory compliance with HIPAA, SOX, GLBA, PCI, etc., your entire fax infrastructure will operate in compliance with privacy standards and never in violation with respect to federal protection laws.

The Solution: iFax Enterprise

iFax Enterprise, a corporate-grade trusted cloud-based, paperless fax service looks after for all your modern faxing needs while keeping your faxes most secured with advanced TLS encryption. Simple online dashboard with multiple functions, pay-as-you-go pricing, the customizable template and business broadcasting.

With iFax, you can connect to leading cloud storage platforms as well as upload from the web, email or desktop computers. No more need to spend for the long-distance calling costs associated with faxing for your International recipients.

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